Hehheheheh Elo Kawan jgn marah eyh. Just enjoy it~Rules, Peraturan , Undang-Undangnya .The rules are simple. Use Google Images to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tagged 7 people..Thankz :) ENjoy..
People dat i tagged:-
People dat i tagged:-
1. Neena
2. Efah
3. Eqah
4. Emma
5. Mira
6. Scb-ians (http://swiftclubbrunei.blogspot.com/)
7. Erah
Why Do u Blog? .....mumble about...
Name of first and only love?
So NOT, this z13 infinity Fx, But....

Not Jehan miskin bah :P 

but Him dat i sayang, merul a.k.a z13
The Age of My Next Birthday

The place i'd like to travel to :

A Favourite place: Pretty much , mcm my bed room. hehe

The city i live in:

College Major:

A Favourite Food:

Bad Habit:

My Nick Name:
he has the same nickname like mine, which is SYU

& she is too, which is KIKI.

My Hobby:

My sport: Does this count?..i dont do sport but i love to own this swift sport :P

My wish List: