Feel extremely tired these few days! LALAI kn bejalan sja wah..las week, on the 13th, picking sii sayang frm the BLNG, Lumut. His taking his shoreleave d brunei, 8 hours spending time with him. hee, i sampat took his picture while he's sleeping. He's so damn cute time tdor!jgn kambang yng. :Payang sleeping! no snoring~
sii sayang sleeping

on the 15th, i decided buying TUDONG for malam bebadak just for org membadaki. Hope my mum suka eh.blum g showd to her ani wah coz, almost a week blum blk umah. (still tdr umah my fiance). But my bakal mother in law suka, so i'm sure sii mama will love it.
Gift for org membadaki (malam berbedak)

16th, me & my cousin decided to go to the Saloon. Pick her around 2.30pm. She told me "ada tampat byk murah" . so we're like jauh2 from yayasan to sengkurong. Things dat we wna buy & do, nada d yayasan. so berkarih kami d sna. She told me sna murah. Sampai sna, aduhh.. murah tah karang, like sma jua harganya! Nasib bukan aku drive my car p/s: thanks cuz, jadi drebarr ku :P. So lastly, we end up ke serusup! like sna murah berabis, sal ada promotion mothers day. so i decided ber body-scrub, facial & face liftin & pham2 lah sayang ah :D. Sii cousin bermanicure & hair treatment! Almost 3 hours kmi d sna & it worthed. i send sii cousin home & it was like 9 x bru i sampai rumah.
me & sii cousin( faezah)

on the 17th, makan soto at liyana's plc. laju2th kn tunang atu ah. semua dh manggil bf mu "tunang mu" ah :P

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